LACAN, Jacques-Marie Emile, (1901-1981) French psychoanalyst. Lacan qualified as a Doctor of Medicine before studying psychiatry under Henri Claude and Gatian de Clerambaut and worked at a special clinic attached to the Prefecture of Police. Lacan was not made a full member of the Societe Psychoanalytique de Paris until 1938 and after disputes with the Societe, led a breakaway faction that eventually became the Ecole Freudienne de Paris in 1964. Lacan's seminars at the Ecole Normale Superieure which began in 1953 were a focal point for the French intelligentsia and are published as Ecrits. The seminars for 1964 were published in English as The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (1977).
Analysts and therapists
Post-structuralist and postmodernists